Friday, September 4, 2015

Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong

Sea of Shadows

By Kelley Armstrong

Genre(s): Fantasy/Horror
Rating: 3/5

Summary courtesy of Goodreads:
"In the Forest of the Dead, where the empire’s worst criminals are exiled, twin sisters Moria and Ashyn are charged with a dangerous task. For they are the Keeper and the Seeker, and each year they must quiet the enraged souls of the damned.

Only this year, the souls will not be quieted.

Ambushed and separated by an ancient evil, the sisters’ journey to find each other sends them far from the only home they’ve ever known. Accompanied by a stubborn imperial guard and a dashing condemned thief, the girls cross a once-empty wasteland, now filled with reawakened monsters of legend, as they travel to warn the emperor. But a terrible secret awaits them at court—one that will alter the balance of their world forever."
What would you do if shadowy creatures suddenly appeared in your hometown and destroyed everything you knew and cared about?  I'm not normally one for horror, and had no idea when I snagged this off the Barnes & Noble bookshelf that it was part of that genre.  I just picked it up, read the back cover, and thought "Huh, this sounds like it could be good."  After reading it, I'm on the fence between "liking" and "disliking" it, flipping from one side to the other.  I really wanna like it, but at the same time, I have issues with it.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Indefinite Hiatus for TWWNLK, Book Reviews, & URL Change

Hello all!  It has been almost eight months since I last updated this blog and I am terribly sorry about that.  During the first half of the year I was busy with school and the last three months I was working a summer job for eight hours a day Monday through Friday, so I had no time to work on this blog.  Now that things have slowed down though, I can finally add more to it!

First order of business, as I have said before, The World We No Longer Know is on hiatus.  Now that hiatus is more for the fact that it needs a lot of work, than for me just not having time.  After researching for another story I'm writing, I realized how much work TWWNLK really needed, and now it will be on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time.  I am not sure when I will be able to work on it again, but at the moment, it will be on the back burner for awhile.

Next, I have decided to try my hand at writing book reviews.  Since I like to read so much and talk about the books I've read, I really want to share my opinions of books and hopefully help find new books for people to read.  My first review should be out this Friday.  Look forward to it!

And finally, the URL change.  I realize most people probably lost track of the blog after I changed the URL, but I changed it since this blog will not be focusing solely on TWWNLK anymore.  I want to focus it more towards book reviews while I work on my other story and hopefully clean up TWWNLK.

I hope you all are doing well and wish you luck in your endeavors!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Chapter 6: Mysteries

Long time no see, everyone!  It's been about three months since my last post, and four months since the last chapter update!  I am terribly sorry for the long hiatus I took.  I had initially planned to continue writing during my holiday break back in December, but for some reason, my Internet decided to choose that exact time to start acting up, leaving me with no way to type up chapter 6.  I hope you all enjoyed whatever holidays you were celebrating, and wish you all a Happy New Year!  And so, without further ado, I present to you chapter 6.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


So as the title says, I will be going on a writing hiatus for a little while. I promise I do still want to work on this story, but with school and other stuff I need to focus on, I just don't have the time to write more right now.
Hopefully when I get a break off from school, I'll finally be able to sit down and work on Chapter 6, because I really want to continue with this story. I hope you all understand, and wish you all best on whatever you guys are currently doing!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Chapter 5: Thierry

Hello again, everyone! I am terribly sorry for being inactive with the next chapter release for over a month, but I recently had to put my pet down and some other stuff has occurred in my life recently, so I haven't really had the time to work on this next chapter for you guys. Also, now that school has started up again, I have less and less time to work on the stuff I really want to work on. However, I  will continue to crank out this story whenever I can for those of you who are reading it. Please tell me your thoughts on the story so that I can improve, or even to just say that you're enjoying it. Now, here is Chapter 5!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Chapter 4: Questions and Anger

Hello everyone! Man, it has certainly been awhile since I posted a new chapter. I apologize for that because some things came up in my life and I found myself not wanting to do much of anything. But I am back now and ready to keep pushing out this story! Hopefully soon I'll have some character profiles cranked out for you guys to check, so that you can get a better image of what the characters are like. For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting the next chapter, this is for you. Now, without further ado, I present Chapter 4 of The World We No Longer Know!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Minor set back

Hey everyone! I know should've released the fourth chapter awhile ago, but some things have kind of come up in my life and I haven't had hardly any time at all to look through the chapter. Do not fear though, because I am still planning on writing more, but I think I will release at least one chapter a month, instead of one a week. That way I have some more time to work on the story and make it the best I possibly can.
Hopefully when I talk to you guys next, it'll be alongside the release of chapter 4. See you later!